Scroll down to find a few tips on how to use the online booking engine.


Here are a few quick tips to help maneuver online booking successfully: 

  • Type in the dates you are interested in and choose which type of reservation: “RV Site” or “Cabin, Trailer, Tent Spots,” then click “Search Availability”

  • All cabins and trailers will show up on the next page- if you see the red “sold” that means that it is occupied for those dates 

  • You can click “View Availability Calendar” to see when that specific cabin is open. In June, July and August, the cabins rent for 7 nights (Sunday-Sunday), you can tell if one is available if on a Sunday it does not have a line through it and says “7 night minimum” if you click on it, it will make the next 7 days clickable- but you must click the following Sunday to make it 7 days to make it work. During the off- season, you will see “2 night minimum” and follow the same directions as above.

  •  When you click “Add These Dates” it will put that cabin into your cart and it will be held for you for 10 minutes. 

If you would like to see everything that is available for certain dates: use the interactive map feature by clicking the map after entering the dates clicking “Search Availability” 

You can edit your dates at the top of the screen and everything outlined in green is available for those dates. Use the magnifying glasses in the upper right to zoom in and out. You can hover over a site or click on it to get more information about each site. If there are no sites outlined in thick green, that means there is nothing available for those dates. See below: